An excursion, albeit based on this years early emergence of most butterfly species, unlikely to be successful for Purple Emperor and White Admiral to Finemere Wood. There were a lot of butterflies present, but nothing notable with only one White Admiral seen briefly, no PE, and around six or so Silver-washed Fritillaries. A Marsh Tit was seen, but by around oneish it had started to cloud over, putting any pay to any final opportunities for PE or WA.
I had intended to head to Rushbed Wood afterwards, but as it was now 90% cloud cover I headed instead to Aston Rowant in the hope that the downland site species would be less obvious despite the cloud, and found with some searching around five Silver-spotted Skippers, along with eight male Chalk-hill Blues. A very vocal Marsh Tit was adjacent to the car park
Small Skipper
Common Blue (female)
Silver-washed Fritillary
I had intended to head to Rushbed Wood afterwards, but as it was now 90% cloud cover I headed instead to Aston Rowant in the hope that the downland site species would be less obvious despite the cloud, and found with some searching around five Silver-spotted Skippers, along with eight male Chalk-hill Blues. A very vocal Marsh Tit was adjacent to the car park
Silver-spotted Skipper
Chalk-hill Blue