Sunday 11 June 2023

Deepdale Farm Leaf Open Farm Day Ringing Demonstration - 11th June 2023

 We arrived on site for 6:45am and set up for the ringing demonstration between 9 and 10 am. There was plenty of bird song but not much movement across the ringing rides. We had only ringed two retraps before the demonstration and over the course of the next hour we only had three Whitethroats and a Robin. Despite this, in addition to explaining the ringing process with birds in the hand, we were able to provide a lot of information about the reasons why we ring, what discoveries have been made due to ringing and how ringing data can be used not only for studying individual bird species, but also to demonstrate the effects of wider issues such as global warming. The group were able to see the full range of ring sizes, learn exactly how mist nets work and four released birds after processing. All seemed to enjoy the demonstration and we received thanks for the voluntary work that we do for birds and conservation.

Total: 5 (3)

Wren - 0 (1)
Robin - 0 (1)
Whitethroat - 3
Blackcap - 2
Chiffchaff - 0 (1)

We then went on to join the farm walks at 11am and 2pm and at Hilly Piece, the area where we ring, Chris talked a bit about the birds on the farm and importance of the land seeded for birds and supplementary winter feeding that helps to see then through the winter.

View across a Poppy filled field to Burnham Deepdale, and Scolt Head Island