Sunday 25 October 2015

Gedser Fuglestation - 25 October 2015 - Halemejser

Standard ringing started late today as we had to wait for a shower to clear before dropping nets.     But, due to the clocks going back we appear to have taken our first round at 7am as usual when of course we are actually an hour later than our usual time after sunrise.  

It was looking like a fairly mundane October session, a few Grønsisken (Siskin), more Rødhals (Robins) and Fuglekonge (Goldcrest) still passing through - when a volery of Nordlig Halemejse (Northern Long-tailed Tit) were heard working their way through the ringing site. A couple went into a net and the rest soon joined them.

Nordlig Halemejse (Northen Long-tailed Tit)

All birds were aged as 1k+, meaning fully grown.

At this timeof year these birds can not be aged other than fully grown as both adults and young have fully completed their moults. We have not seen these before and were surprised to find that the feathers on the head are not completely white, being black where they emerge from the skin. We released the little group all together.

There was also a very small arrival of Blåmejse (Blue Tit) and a few Sortmejse (Coal Tit) were also seen but not caught.

1k Blåmejse (Age 3 Blue Tit)

 2k+ Musvit (Age 4 Great Tit)

Musvit(Great Tit) are quite regular in the garden. This recaptured bird was first ringed at Gedser Observatory in April this year. 

Totals:65 (19)

Spurvehøg / Sparrowhawk - 1 (1)
Rødhals / Robin - 5 (4)
Solsort / Blackbird - 6 (1)
Sangdrossel / Song Thrush - 1
Fuglekonge / Goldcrest - 4 (11)
Nordlig Halemejse / Northern Long-tailed Tit - 8
Blåmejse / Blue Tit - 11
Musvit / Great Tit - 1 (2)
Skovspurv / Tree Sparrow - 4
Bogfinke / Chaffinch - 1
Grønirisk / Greenfinch - 2
Grønsisken / Siskin - 21