Wednesday 9 December 2020

Staines Moor - 7th and 8th December 2020

 Two mornings with a forecast for very low wind so we decided to try for Water Pipits at Staines Moor. Both mornings were very cold and foggy. Just for a change all the livestock was right over the other side of the moor so with the exception of one cow that was wandering about on its own and noticed one of the nets towards the end of the second day, we had no interest from the cows and horses whatsoever.

So, for ten hours of effort spread over the two days we managed to catch just three birds. There were quite a few Meadow Pipits on the moor, one of which we captured. The second bird of the 7th was an age 3 Water Pipit. Catching is difficult as birds tend not to react much to either song or calls being played. This capture was the result of me flushing the bird from the cover of soft rush as I went to check a net.  The bird flew across water and straight into another net. Interestingly, there was one session in 2017 when two Water Pipits were ringed, but sadly before the darvic marking scheme, as a result of being flushed by dog walkers.

Aged 3 Water Pipit

The second day was slightly warmer and just as misty, and although there were several Water Pipits around in the early morning, they soon dispersed to other areas of the moor. There was only one capture, a juvenile Stonechat.

  Total: 3

Meadow Pipit - 1 (7th)
Water Pipit - 1 (7th)
Stonechat - 1 (8th)