Wednesday 29 August 2018

Wraysbury GP - 21st August 2018

After a few days  away, we felt that the day with the least wind this week should be given up to Wraysbury where the RAS efforts will soon draw to a close. There were some Whitethroats around, but most likely birds on transit through the site. Numbers of Phylloscopus warblers were low and with Garden Warblers on the decrease, the majority of birds, by far, were Blackcaps.

Total: 75 (3)   

Robin - 1
Wren - 1
Songthrush - 2
Reed Warbler - 1
Whitethroat - 11 (1)
Garden Warbler - 2
Blackcap - 45
Chiffchaff - 6
Willow Warbler - 2
Goldcrest - 1
Blue Tit - 1 (1)
Great Tit - 1 (1)