Thursday 27 June 2024

Dersingham Bog - 26th June 2024

 A first visit of Iceni ringers to monitor Nightjars in conjunction with Natural England. This visit was specifically arranged in order to address a gap in the previous monitoring, catching adult birds. Mist netting for adults has not been undertaken for a while with recent efforts on ringing nestlings. Plans are also afoot to organise training to fit trackers and collect data on feeding circuits, but due to the low number of breeding birds are currently on hold. This may be linked to the low numbers of moths around, presumably a result of difficult weather conditions earlier in the year.

For this first visit CL, DKL, PWL & DKH set up three double nets.

All three nets had adult Nightjars flying around them but none were caught. Those nets did however catch a couple of Stonechat and a Whitethroat before dusk. Earlier we had located a nest with one egg that the rangers hadn't yet found, and another nest with two young were ringed. 

Monitoring conducted under schedule 1 licence
Photo taken by PWL

Totals: 5

Nightjar pulli - 2
Stonechat - 2
Whitethroat - 1

Next time PWLs decoy should be ready.
Masterfully painted up by ERB (also photo credit).