Friday 26 July 2024

Sculthorpe Moor Reed-bed, 26th July 2024

 The plan to work area A for July ended abruptly when the reeds were found to have grown so high, and the track completely overgrown so as to make ringing at best very difficult and at worst irresponsible as there was no way, without extreme gardening, to ensure that birds in the net did not become too wet in the net. We hauled the kit back to the car and relocated to the area where we had ringed on Wednesday evening since the beavers have been busy in the enclosure with a new ditch dug across the access path. That would be left until the due date came around.

Considering the late start and rather windy conditions it wasn't too shabby with 19 birds processed including 2 Cetti's Warbler juveniles. All the other birds with the exception of a Reed Bunting were summer migrants.

One of two juvenile Cetti's Warblers

Totals: 16 (3)

Blackcap - 1
Cetti's Warbler - 2
Reed Bunting - 1
Reed Warbler - 6 (1)
Sedge Warbler - 5 (2)
Whitethroat - 1

Thursday 25 July 2024

Sculthorpe Moor Reed-bed - 24th July 2024

 We've been wanting to try for a roost at the Hawk & Owl Trust for a while and had chosen this date as rain was not in the forecast. The forecast turned out to be a little optimistic and we walked to the site in the rain, with the hope that the grey clouds would pass and a little ringing possible. We were able to drop nets (just 3 18ms) at about 19:30. We caught quite well and there were a few birds for new trainee KL to start learning extraction and handling techniques on. Of the 22 birds in all, most were Reed Bunting, Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler, one adult Reed Warbler being well prepared for departure having a fat score of 2 and muscle score of 3. We also captured the first Sand Martin and Pied Wagtail not only at Sculthorpe but also for Iceni Bird Monitoring Group. 

Adult Pied Wagtail

Image quality is poor as flash is not used to avoid dazzling the bird prior to release.

Total: 22

Pied Wagtail - 1
Reed Bunting - 6
Reed Warbler - 9
Sand Martin - 1
Sedge Warbler - 5

Dersingham Bog - 23rd July 2024

 A visit to the bog in preparation for a study that we hope to be able to start in earnest next year. For the time being we continue to mark adult and young birds with a metal ring only, gathering data on the species until tags to collect data on their feeding forays are available.

After a poor start to the breeding season the situation seems to be improving with 3 young known to have fledged and four each of young and adults ringed to date.

Looking forward to working with Natural England staff, jointly collecting information that will potentially inform on what feeding habitats should be developed beyond the natal grounds at this site and others within the UK and beyond. 

Male Nightjar, aged 6, 23/07/2024 - image taken by RAR

All ringing and monitoring activities conducted under BTO licence.

Total: 4

Nightjar adult - Male and Female
Nightjar pulli - 2

Saturday 20 July 2024

Norfolk Rivers Trust, Ingoldisthorpe - 19th July 2024

 After weeks of rain and wind the weather improves, then it's no time at all before temperatures are predicted to reach 30 degrees. We started at six and from 8 nets managed 66 birds between the three of us, CL, DKL & DKH. Nets were down just before midday to avoid the worst of the heat. Leading species was Chiffchaff with 23 new birds all hatched this year., and least expected bird a juvenile Goldcrest.

Adult Reed Warbler

Juvenile Goldcrest

Totals: 62 (4)

Blackcap - 10
Blue Tit - 6
Chiffchaff - 23
Dunnock - 1
Goldcrest - 1
Great Tit - 1
Reed Warbler - 9 (3)
Robin - 0 (1)
Sedge Warbler - 5
Wren - 6

Friday 19 July 2024

Little Terns, Blakeney Point, Norfolk - 19th July 2024

 We are very sad to report that the Little Tern Colony at Blakeney Point has failed this year. After a difficult start with birds on eggs later than usual due to increment weather, there was then sustained attention from a male Kestrel flying in from the direction of Morston taking  a few chicks a day. The adults finally deserted en masse on the 18th of July. National Trust staff tried their best to ensure the success of the colony, once the problem was identified, by providing supplementary feeding at a favoured perch of the Kestrel. However the added pressure of a fox finding the nesting birds in the last few days has proved too much.

We can only hope for a better result next year.

Thursday 11 July 2024

Baconsthorpe, Castle Wild Camp - 11th July 2024

 Manged to get 6am to 11am before the rain started. There were only 21 birds but that included Bullfinch and Linnet that we haven't had there very often. Most surprising bird was not captured, or seen but we heard a Bee eater fly over calling at about 9am.

Male Linnet

Female Treecreeper

5 Make Bullfinch

Total: 18 (3)

Blackbird - 0 (1)
Blue Tit - 2
Bullfinch - 1
Chiffchaff - 7 (1)
Dunnock - 1
Linnet - 1
Robin - 3
Treecreeper - 2
Whitethroat - 0 (1)
Wren - 1

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Barn Owls - 10th July 2024

 A full day of checking boxes resulted in 7 young ringed, 3 adults ringed with another ringed in 2021 recaptured. One box was known to have already fledged one brood and is now on the second. Seven boxes marked up for call backs.

One of 3


Adult female

Total: 10 (1)

Juvenile - 7
Adult - 3 (1)