Friday 21 June 2024

Barn Owls - 21st June 2024

 A run around about a third of our barn situated boxes brought three with owlet families, including one with 5, then two recaptures of adult birds leaving the box or barn. There were of course the empty boxes, some with pigeons and even one box that has dropped to the floor since last year.

There was also an unexpected bonus at the end of the day, almost tripped over and picked up by hand, a young almost fledged Oystercatcher. Brood in the same farmyard as last year.

Recaptured (female with 3 owlets)

Adding the colour code

Oystercatcher C00


3 boxes containing 2, 3 & 5 young Barn Owls all of a ringable age.

2 recaptured adult Barn Owls

1 Oystercatcher (age 1)