Wednesday 30 August 2017

Wraysbury GP - 28th August 2017

After some interesting species over the last few days while CL and myself ringed without WA & LON , our trainees were available to ring this morning, but the less commonly caught species were not. On a day that started with low hanging mist, sopping wet groundcover then ended with temperatures in the mid 20s we got 57 birds, mostly Blackcaps (23 new/2 retrapped) and Chiffchaff (18 new/3 retrapped).

The number of species was stretched to nine by the inclusion of a couple of each Reed Warbler, Garden Warbler and Willow Warbler.

Totals: 51 (6)

Wren - 1
Reed Warbler - 2
Garden Warbler - 2
Blackcap - 23 (2)
Chiffchaff - 18 (3)
Willow Warbler - 2
Goldcrest - 0 (1)
Blue Tit - 2
Great Tit - 1