Sunday 27 August 2017

Wraysbury GP - 26th August 2017

It's ages since we've ringed with TOA and today he joined us to monitor the migrating Sylvia warblers, among other species, at Wraysbury. We met up at 6am and it didn't take long to get all the nets in place. It became clear that the main species would be Blackcap as Whitethroat numbers had dropped right down, in fact, there were only three caught, and all after 10.30am - so possibly new arrivals?  The CES team ( on their area with better cover) did rather better for Whitethroats than us, reflecting the birds' inability to feed in the open. Garden Warbler numbers are also on the decline as we would expect by this point in the year. There were 13 Chiffchaff and 3 Willow Warbler.

We managed to catch 6 Goldfinch, although the Linnets stayed well away from our tape lures. There was also a 3JJ Bullfinch - nice to see, we don't get so many of these.

3JJ Bullfinch

Totals: 74 (7)

Robin - 1 (1)
Dunnock - 2 (3)
Reed Warbler - 1
Whitethroat - 3
Garden Warbler - 5
Blackcap - 33 (3)
Chiffchaff - 13
Willow Warbler - 3
Goldcrest - 2
Blue Tit - 4
Goldfinch - 6
Bullfinch - 1