Sunday 16 July 2017

Stanwell Moor GP - 12th July 2017

Another evening spent at Stanwell. No sign of much in the way of Hirundines but again the track net served to raise the total. Reed Warblers now seem to be venturing further afield, with more birds coming from the track net than the reed bed itself. Perhaps they had been down to the River Colne that borders the site.

A bit more extraction practice for LON and a Sedge Warbler to round the evening off. Off site by 10.00pm.

 3JP Goldfinch with the first of the red crown feathers coming in.

Total: 23 (1)

Dunnock - 2
Blackbird - 1
Whitethroat - 2
Reed Warbler -2  (1)
Sedge Warbler - 1
Blackcap - 5
Chiffchaff - 1
Great Tit - 2
Greenfinch - 2
Goldfinch - 1
Linnet - 4