Thursday 9 July 2015

Wraysbury GP - 8 July 2015

We earmarked today for maintenance work due to strong wind gusts and showers featuring heavily in the forecast. We arrived at about 11am, armed with strimmer and hedge trimmer, some secateurs and loppers along with a couple of three panel nets just in case there was a sheltered area close to where we were working on the non-CES area of the site.

Most rides needed a lot of clearance, except one that was mainly clear except for where some cretin had decided to flytip in the one section of the dogleg. After some light pruning the main run was good to go and the two 40' nets were put up in a line.

 We set about clearing the rides and DKL went to check for birds after half an hour and returned with eleven. They were processed and the net checked again and the five birds from that round were ringed. CHL did a bit more clearing while DKL moved some Dog-rose cuttings from the rides and monitored the nets.

There were a couple of sharp showers but all was fine and in less than two hours we'd done over 20 birds and cleared eight areas for nets.

Now they say you never know what to expect when you're ringing, well we certainly weren't expecting the three young lads that happened along. One had a fly that had flown inside his ear and wouldn't come out, and was very upset as his 'friend' insisted he would die if it reached his brain! So, while processing a Linnet, one was advised to call a parent to take him to A&E (I declined the request to try to get it out), I explained that he should get a professional to help and what could happen if things are poked in his ear. I also spoke to another young lad who was very interested in birds, especially catching Goldfinches - and knowing if they are boys! No prizes for guessing their community group.

Totals: 23 (1)

Dunnock - 1  
Song Thrush -1
Whitethroat - 5
Garden Warbler -2
Blackcap - 11 (1)
Chiff-chaff - 1
Linnet - 1
Bullfinch - 1