Monday 20 July 2015

Wicken Wood - 19 July 2015

One of our rare butterfly sorties in the UK this year, apart from a unsuccessful Black Hairstreak visit to Bernwood Forest in June, from a photographing perspective.

When we arrived it was drizzling but we sat it out for a few moments and headed down the main track. Mostly it consisted of Green-veined White, Small and Large Whites, Ringlet, with a few Common Blues, Meadow Browns, Peacock, Comma, and Small Tortoiseshell, but was also managed to see a single Painted Lady, Silver-washed Fritilliary, four White Admirals and as we left what was initially thought to be a White Admiral flew in over the entrance gate, landed a few feet inside on the main track, turned out to be a Purple Emperor.


Green-veined Whites


 Painted Lady

White Admiral

Purple Emperor