Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Norfolk Rivers Trust, Ingoldisthorpe - 19th March 2025

 A first visit to this site before the arrival of summer migrants resulted in 13 new birds. The site was rather quiet, except for the sound of Chiffchaff singing from the trees along the river and a couple of Cetti's Warblers in the cleansing ponds. We got 6 nets up, but without any Blackcap or Acrocephalus warblers there seemed little prospect of catching much, although we did come quite close to netting a few Teal and Mallard as they departed the site.

Leading species was Long-tailed Tit with three, and we were quite pleased with a couple of Cetti's Warbler females caught at either end of the pond complex, our first Cetti's Warblers of the year. There were two Reed Bunting, both being fitted with darvic codes and a further couple of Chiffchaff.

There was a fair bit of aerial activity with Red Kite, Buzzard and four Marsh Harriers overhead throughout the morning.

One of two female Cetti's Warblers captured today.

5M Reed Bunting

Total: 13

Cetti's Warbler - 2
Chaffinch - 1
Chiffchaff - 2
Long-tailed Tit - 3
Reed Bunting - 2
Robin - 1
Wren - 2