After a damp and drizzly day the weather cleared a little and we went back to the farm where we had seen some six or so Barn Owls two days ago, but only caught one. We got a 15m 40*40 net up for me to watch while Chris took another punt at thermalling.
The evening was quite productive with two new Barn Owls females, both developing brood patches and a younger male, ringed in the nest, but not on site. He was ringed at Cradle Hall Farm, Stanhoe on 14 June 2024. So with all these unringed owls, where are the pulli that have been ringed on site and where have the unringed owls come from? Are there more second broods than realised, or just a lot of natural nest sites.
Chris also managed to catch a Woodcock, so apart from the flat tyre that prevented us from checking out two other areas of the farm, not a bad return for a few chilly hours in the field.
Barn Owl - 2 (1)
Woodcock - 1