A round up of our bird ringing activities (all birds ringed under licence from the British Trust for Ornithology with schedule one authority where appropriate), birding trips and other wildlife sorties within the UK and whenever we get chance, elsewhere.

Friday, 31 January 2025
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Broads area - 29th January 2025
Took a leisurely drive around the broads, managing to flush a Woodcock from a ditch during our search for wild swans. Managed to find some Bewick's Swans associating with some Whoopers in a field at Ingham. The day continued with no luck for Cranes where we've seen them before, or white-fronted geese in with a flock of Egyptian geese. We tried St Benet's Abbey at about 2pm and saw 3 Short-eared Owl, 8 Cattle Egret, 16 Cranes albeit distant, 2 Marsh Harrier including one with wing tags that we couldn't read and some Pink-footed geese.
Finished off with some ring reading at Hoveton Bridge getting 30 or so rereads (and assaulted by a number of over positive Mutes wanting food). A few bare legged swans present, so may be worth another visit with rings and last bird was a metal ringed Finnish Black-headed Gull that we managed to get the entire number. The ring is quite worn so we hope it has some age.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Sculthorpe Moor - 25th January 2025
An attempt to catch Woodcock that proved the same as several other recent evenings where birds were flighty and lifted too early for capture. There were plenty of Snipe, but they would have needed nets for capture, so they just reduced the chances of getting closes enough to successfully catch the Woodcock.
The owl net did have success in the form of a Tawny Owl.
No Barn Owls were attracted to the audio-lure.
Total: 1
tawny Owl - 1
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Deepdale Farm - 22nd January 2025
After a damp and drizzly day the weather cleared a little and we went back to the farm where we had seen some six or so Barn Owls two days ago, but only caught one. We got a 15m 40*40 net up for me to watch while Chris took another punt at thermalling.
The evening was quite productive with two new Barn Owls females, both developing brood patches and a younger male, ringed in the nest, but not on site. He was ringed at Cradle Hall Farm, Stanhoe on 14 June 2024. So with all these unringed owls, where are the pulli that have been ringed on site and where have the unringed owls come from? Are there more second broods than realised, or just a lot of natural nest sites.
Chris also managed to catch a Woodcock, so apart from the flat tyre that prevented us from checking out two other areas of the farm, not a bad return for a few chilly hours in the field.
Barn Owl - 2 (1)
Woodcock - 1
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
A farm in North West Norfolk - 15th January 2025
Today, joined by CJH, we worked the farm hedgerows in thick fog for much of the morning. This winter has been difficult as much of the wild bird mix areas have failed, providing less food than could have been expected and providing less cover for siting nets. We believe this crop failure is partly responsible for the reduced numbers of finches and buntings in some farms this winter.
We secreted some two panel nets in some waist high curly kale, one full height net through the hedgerow with more parallel to the hedge boundary. There were some quite large groups of Goldfinch, Chaffinch and Reed Bunting. However our catches were quite modest. We did at least catch 6 Reed Bunting and get the opportunity to mark them with brown darvics, code UW followed by two letters.
Total: 15 (8)
Blackbird - 1 (2)
Blue Tit - 2 (1)
Dunnock - 3 (4)
Great Tit - 1
Reed Bunting - 6
Robin - 0 (1)
Wren - 2
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Stanhoe Orchard - 12th January 2025
Plans to target a finch flock near Langham had to be abandoned as they have been attracting attention from photographers, being in hedges right next to the road. With the frosty conditions we decided that that it was best not to try that on a weekend when frustrated toggers might criticise us for catching in the cold (while ruining their plans). Instead, returned to the orchard.
We got 6 doubles up and ran a session from 8am to 12:30pm catching a total of 35 birds of which 26 were Fieldfare. This means that they are our leading species at this point of the year and it's not that often anyone can say that.
The team was CL, DKL & EGB with experience of two new species for EGB.
Total: 33 (2)
Blackbird - 1
Dunnock - 0(1)
Fieldfare - 26
Goldfinch - 5
Green Woodpecker - 1
Robin - 0 (1)
Friday, 10 January 2025
Stanhoe Orchard - 10th January 2025
A hard frost, but minimal breeze to start the morning. The birds were sparsely spread all around the orchard as the apple crop had been a bumper one and windfalls were still present in several areas of the site. We got five doubles up, mostly larger mesh nets and covered three rides where there were apples on the ground.
We finished on 31 birds, 20 being Fieldfare. This is the best yearly total that we've ever had there, and there is still the possibility of more captures, if the weather stays cold. Redwings were conspicuous by their absence.
Blue Tit - 2
Chaffinch - 2
Fieldfare - 20
Green Woodpecker - 1
Goldfinch - 2
Robin - 1
Friday, 3 January 2025
A farm in North West Norfolk - 3rd January 2025
The first session of the year and a very chilly start. There were a few smaller flocks of finches about, but we failed to capitalise on that as they were very mobile and the full height nets were blowing a bit too much. We did do quite well with a double of three panel nets.
We started the morning believing we were in for a Dunnock day, with all but one bird from the first round being a Dunnock. Thankfully, we did manage to get a few Chaffinch and some retraps from the past couple of years.
Total: 25 (10)
Blackbird - 1 (3)
Chaffinch - 11
Dunnock - 11 (6)
Robin - 0 (1)
Starling - 1
Wren - 1