Wednesday 1 November 2023

Deepdale Farm - 1st November 2023

 An unexpected return to the farm. The wind was rather too strong for general mist netting, but the mass arrival on the coast was of Blackbirds, and these being fairly heavy birds we thought there could be some scope to catch a few at Hilly Piece.

The wind was rather strong and many birds saw the nets, however we still managed to catch 16 over the course of a couple of hours in the early afternoon. despite a few breaks for rain as the squalls passed through and nets were closed.

3M Blackbird

It was great to catch what were clearly the continental race of Blackbird. Notable were a female  with tail appearing black rather than the expected brown, and a male with 142mm wing, checked by CL to confirm and definitely a Blackbird.

Total: 17

Blackbird - 16
Song Thrush - 1 

Observation of Crossbill, Hen Harrier, Peregrine and a flock of Pink feet over the farm.