We have just received news from SAFRING that a bird ringed during the Gambian Ringing Scheme training initiative has been recovered in Europe. The Melodious Warbler
Hippolais polyglotta was ringed by Chris LAMSDELL on 13th January at Tanji (Reserve Ecolodge, Gambia (1322N1647W) and reported as found dead 167 days later, on 28th June 2020, at Les Grisardieres, Boissiere - Des, France (4631N0127W) by Monsieur Jean-Louis PASTEUR. This is a distance of 3954k from the place it was ringed in the Gambia. It was found dead having flown into a window and while it would have been a happier tale to hear that a ringer in France had encountered and released the bird, this report shows that reports are also received from members of the public.
A map showing the ringing and recovery locations can be found through the link below.
Melodious Warbler Le Petit Loc'h, Guidel, Brittany, France
photographer Frank Vassen