Thursday 10 December 2015

Broadwater GP - 9 December 2015

We were joined, today, by MRB and Margaret to ring at Broadwater. We were there at 7am, so it still was rather dark as the first nets went up. The audiolure was on in no time and we hoped to get a few of the roosting Redwing before they all left. The feeders had been topped up the previous day so we hoped that might help to increase the catch. We put up two doubles, two singles and a new short single close to our ringing base and waited to see what we'd get.

The feeder nets brought in some tits, including a couple of Coal Tits.

 Coal Tit age 3

 Most Redwing left the roost soon after first light. We have noticed that they usually do this when the sky is clear, as it was today. However, we did catch 4 singles, first one at 7.30am and the last at 11.30am. Some birds seem to remain close to the roost trees and feed in the locale for most of the morning.

 Age 3 Redwing

We were pleased to catch a few Goldcrest, and also a couple of Chiffchaff. The increase in overwintering birds recorded has been quite marked, and differs greatly to numbers caught as little as five years or so ago.

A late addition, and a little group we were especially pleased to connect with was a small party of Siskin. Six males were captured together, with a sole female netted in the following round.

 3M Siskin

 4M Siskin

Having seen the recently published paper by the Kews on social groupings of Siskin, we decided to release the six birds together, as we would usually do with Long-tailed Tits. It was interesting that, rather than fly off together, the six birds performed what can best be described as a 'bomb burst', scattering in all directions - perhaps a case of 'every man for himself' where batchelor flocks are concerned. Maybe they they met up again later.

A link to the paper is provided below.

Totals: 27 (16)

Wren - 0 (1)
Robin - 1(1)
Song Thrush - 1
Redwing - 4
Chiffchaff - 1 (1)
Goldcrest - 10 (3) 
Blue Tit - 0 (7)
Great Tit - 1 (2)
Coal Tit - 2
Long-tailed Tit - 0 ( 1)
Siskin - 7