Saturday, 8 August 2015

Wraysbury GP - 7 August 2015

Another productive morning on C6. Just CL & DKL with five nets added another 117 captures to the totals for the site. Blackcaps and Whitethroats were in roughly equal numbers today with Garden Warblers still around but far fewer Chiffchaffs about.

 Retrap 4F Blackcap L769890 - first recapture since 3/09/2011

Lesser Whitethroats seem to be staying about with three from previous sessions retrapped and an additional two.

 Z527441 retrap Lesser Whitethroat

Of the 60 or so Starlings coming to feed on the blackberries, only one, that just happened to be ringed already, was caught.

 LE42711 control Starling

Totals:  98 (19)

Dunnock -1
Song Thrush - 1
Reed Warbler -3
Lesser Whitethroat - 2 (3)
Whitethroat - 33 (9)
Garden Warbler - 20 (2)
Blackcap - 33 (3)
Chiff-chaff -1 (1)
Blue Tit -3
Starling - 0 (1)
Goldfinch - 1