Friday 1 February 2013

Beaconsfield Motorway Services - 1 February 2013

A swift look at the weather forecast forced us to change our plans as the calm conditions expected on Saturday evening appeared to be arriving early. With only 4 hours notice, there wasn't time to assemble a large team but MRB, being of a like mind, was just about to text and ask if we intended to go to the services when he got our call.

We were rather early for dusk - it was the first clear evening for a while, but the nets were up in good time and just as well as the number of birds present had definitely increased. There was a lot of loafing about in the coach park and many birds skimmed over or did an about turn on approaching the nets. We had a reasonable catch but still no retraps. Today's session brings the grand total for the
site to 77 birds.

5F showing OGCs

Bird with deformed upper mandible

Processing the birds in the car park

The roost trees ( Holme oaks)


Pied Wagtail - 31