Saturday, 14 January 2012

Black Park - 14 January 2012

Denise took a group of three hopefuls on site to target Crossbills. The day started off cold and frosty, and showed promise as Siskins and Redpolls were present around the ringing area. Unusually, a Sparrowhawk and Kestrel were sighted. The latter bounced off of one of the doubles and was seen off by a flock of some 20+ small finches. A Woodcock was also flushed, but although it flew low in the direction of the nets running parallel to the path it managed to evade capture. Crossbills, including a group of 5, were also seen but remained clear of all nettage. By 11am few birds were in evidence and a disappointing session was brought to a close early due to the low catching rate.

morning frost

 Lesser Redpoll - 6 male

 Great Spotted Woodpecker - 5 male


Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1
Robin - 2
Goldcrest - 2
Lesser Redpoll - 2 (1)