Sunday 5 September 2010

Stanwell Moor ringing site - 5 September 2010

We returned to Stanwell Moor am following on from last nights visit, and extended the area being worked from the 'dell (the old plant wash out area)' to the east side of the site. 56 birds were caught (5 re-traps) that resulted in the following new birds: Blackbird, Robin (5), Great Tit (3), Chiff-chaff (9), Willow Warbler (5), Sedge Warbler (4), Reed Warbler (7), Blackcap (12), Blue Tit (2), Wren (1) and Cetti's Warbler (1, a fresh juvenile).

Juvenile Willow Warbler (left) and Chiff-chaff, showing the 
more prominent supercillium and more yellow under parts of
of Willow Warbler.

Juvenile Cetti's Warbler

Male and female 3 Blackcaps

Fault bars on a 3 Reed Warbler's tail.