Thursday, 20 March 2025

Sculthorpe Moor - 20th March 2025

 Making the most of the beautiful spring weather, we worked three doubles at the moor. Only 10 birds, not a surprise with most summer migrants yet to arrive. Chiffchaffs, however, were very much in evidence with a lot of singing from the tall trees. We only got three new one but the retraps included a bird ringed as an adult in 2023 that we've not captured since and one of the big catch we had at the same net run on August 14th last year, a juvenile birds that's been all the way to its wintering grounds to arrive back at the moor with the first of the returners.

Chiffchaff PRK330 back on site with nectar and pollen residue at the base of the bill.

We also ringed a Reed Bunting, including a darvic for that project and a Marsh Tit also freshly ringed and fitted with a darvic code.

Age 5 Marsh Tit

Total: 7 (3)

Chiffchaff - 3 (3)
Marsh Tit - 1
Reed Bunting - 1
Robin - 1
Wren - 1

We went on to check the scrape for darvic carrying birds, seeing a Black-headed gull with a red darvic that we couldn't read. The swan nest was also checked, but the bird present remained firmly on the nest and we couldn't get that code either.