A short session starting at 7am and ending with rain. We were expecting the weather front and hoped to get 4 hours in before the weather forced an early finish. As it happened the clouds were gathering from before 10am, so a double that had failed to catch was taken down mid session leaving only two doubles to take in once the rain started.
We still managed 17 birds, and that included new species for both LC (relatively new with new species easy to come by) and CJH (more experienced with opportunities for new species being less frequent).
The rain was starting by 10:30am and we were packed up and off site before the worst of the rain at 10:45am.
Ringing team CL, DKL, CJH, LC
Total: 17
Dunnock - 2
Goldfinch - 2
Linnet - 2
Reed Bunting - 3 (colour ringed)
Yellowhammer - 8