Wednesday 4 September 2024

Sculthorpe Moor - 4th September 2024


Forty one birds this morning of ten species. The summer migrants continue to reduce in the main with just one Blackcap and no Acrocephalous warblers at all. We are still getting some Chiffchaffs through and three Willow Warbler was the most in one morning all year.

Adult Willow Warbler

We caught two finches, both young males, but the Chaffinch had completed much more of its post juvenile moult than the Bullfinch.

3M Chaffinch

3M Bullfinch

Wrens seem to be bouncing back after their bad winter of 22/23 and Willow Warbler, although present and heard in a few different locations, are not responsive to audio lure.

Total: 32 (9)

Bullfinch - 1
Blackbird - 0 (1)
Blackcap - 1
Blue Tit - 1 (1)
Chaffinch - 1
Chiffchaff - 10 (2)
Great Tit - 5 (3)
Robin - 2
Willow Warbler - 3
Wren - 8 (2)