Sunday 12 May 2024

Norfolk Rivers Trust - Baconsthorpe - 12th May 2024

 A first session of the year at this site and the beavers have been very busy while we've not been here. They have now increased the depth and spread of their secondary pond, building a sticks and mud dam up against one of the boundary fences. The consequence for us, is that the double 18m no longer fits there as where we used to start the combination is now a good 7 or 8 feet into their 'pond extension'.

We managed to get 5 nets up and got a nice spread of species even 'though we only had 14 birds. Low numbers are to be expected at this stage of the breeding season.


Willow Warbler E5, P2=P5/6 not the most obvious of individuals

Total: 13 (1)

Blackcap - 2
Blue Tit - 1
Chiffchaff - 2 (1)
Dunnock - 2
Goldcrest - 2
Treecreeper - 1
Willow Warbler - 1
Wren - 2