A round up of our bird ringing activities (all birds ringed under licence from the British Trust for Ornithology with schedule one authority where appropriate), birding trips and other wildlife sorties within the UK and whenever we get chance, elsewhere.

Sunday, 20 June 2021
Sandwich Bay - 19th June 2021
Friday, 18 June 2021
Crockford Bridge and Latchmoor Bottom - 16th June 2021
We fancied a bit of time enjoying the New Forest and made our way to Crockford Bridge mainly for Southern Damselflies. Always a pleasant part of the south to visit, a single Green Hairstreak and three fresh Silver-studded Blues were seen on route from the enclosure car park to the stream. There was plenty of activity and many Southern Damselflies were seen, in the region of 120, at least 25 Keeled Skimmers, along with a good number of Beautiful Demoiselles, three fresh Small Red Damselflies, three Golden-ringed Dragonflies. Bumped into Stephen Rowland down south form Norfolk for the Sandwich Bay Dainty filed trip on Saturday.
Wraysbury GP - 14th June 2021
This session didn't quite run to plan as a trainee that had expected to join us wasn't able to make it. Nevertheless, CL and I got seven nets up and processed 54 birds. These included the first young Whitethroats of the year.
Langham Pond, Runnymede and Hilfield Park Reservoir - 13th June 2021
Another visit to Langham Pond on Runnymede that turned out to be a good decent Odonata pond with a good mix of species. Emeralds were present with three Downy and a single Brilliant, Broad-bodied and Four-spotted Chasers, single Black-tailed Skimmer, usual Damselflies and somewhat unexpectedly a Golden-ringed Dragonfly.
Black Park & Stoke Common - 12th June 2021
A visit to two locals areas, both with remnant areas of Heathland, that whilst are top sites of Odonata, can produce a few records. The local Country Park lake had report of Downy Emerald there and I could not recall if I had checked it before for them as it is quite large, and not overly well vegetated, so I had assumed was perhaps not good for them. It turned out to quite busy, with at least 11 Downy Emeralds present, around 25 Four-spotted Chasers and around 150 Red-eyed Damselflies present, but not much else on the lake. The northern pools on the remnant heathland had the usual mix of Broad-bodied, some more Fours-spotted Chasers, at least nine Emperors, at least three fresh Black-tailed Skimmers, a couple of Hairy Dragonflies and one fresh emerged Common Darter.
Our first Large Skipper of the year was seen juts as we made our way out of the wood.
Stoke Common was as expected, whilst a larger area of heathland with a couple of pools, the biggest one is full of grass and Odonata species can be low in variety and number, though I found Willow Emerald there last year, and a day or so after this visit someone has reported Scarce Blue-tail on the Common. We retuned in the evening and had a couple of Noctule Bats flying over the western side and had a churring Nightjar just as about the time light had more or less gone and was alas not visually seen.
Thursday, 10 June 2021
Oaken Wood - 9th June 2021
A visit primarily for Wood White and as in previous years hopefully the odd White-legged Damselfly.
Wood Whites were thinly spread through the wood though 14 were seen along with a fly though Painted Lady and single Dingy and Grizzled Skippers.
A couple of White-leggeds were seen together with a single Emperor and Hairy Dragonflies, and two Broad-bodied Chasers.