Saturday 15 June 2019

Iver Heath Garden - 14th June 2019

We rarely post about garden captures, after all it's difficult to get excited about Blue Tits and Great Tits. We're even less excited about the Starlings that we manage to catch in the ground trap from time to time.

So, we had a net for larger birds up today, in the hope that we may catch another of the Jackdaws that have been dropping in an taking away scraps. We'd already caught one but they tend not to stay in the usual 16*16 mesh net.

When the Jackdaw arrived it landed by the net, took a good, long look then deftly hopped over, grabbed food and flew off with a beak full of meat scraps. The Jay and Magpies didn't put in an appearance. There was however an unexpected bonus.

Not one, but two Red Kites swooped in and were held. They became the first REDKI ringed by Runnymede Ringing Group.

We only got these two birds because we were trying for another of these!