Saturday 18 May 2019

Xeros Potamos lower pools, Cape Dreparnum, Avakas Gorge, Tomb of the Kings, Acheleia - 6th May 2019

The morning was devoted to scouting out a few places, more for butterflies than anything else but it is clear that some species are either very late emerging due to low temperatures or have been adversely affected by bad weather. We also spent a good chuck of time at estate agents.

Cape Dreparnum had very little of anything. Avakas Gorge had some of the more common butterflies but all flying around and not settling a great deal. We were hoping for African Ringlet but nothing looked in the least promising. A couple of dragonflies were turned up at the Avakas gorge ford and a few butterflies along the trail and acess track.

Epaulet Skimmer

 Marbled Skipper

Cyprus Meadow Brown 

 Pgymy Skipper


 Lulworth Skipper

 Painted Lady

Small White

Chris went into Tomb of the Kings as all the grassy areas have now been fenced off. He was hoping to find African grass jewels but the wind was against him and none could be found even if there were some there.

At Acheleia a few waders were on the beach, Common Sandpiper, Little Stint and Squacco Heron giving the impression that birds may be coming in. A dragonfly further upstream was photographed by Chris and identified as Lesser Emperor.

 Lesser Emperor

 Red-veined Darter

Broad Scarlet

After dinner we set a couple of nets at the pools hoping for waders. We only got two, but some Swallows found the net, as did some wagtails giving us our best catch of Citrine Wagtail.


Wood Sandpiper - 2
Swallow - 5
Sand Martin - 1
Citrine Wagtail - 1
Black-headed Wagtail - 2

1st summer female