Tuesday 14 August 2018

Wraysbury GP - 1st August 2018

There has been no coverage for the Whitethroat RAS since July 11th so we duly went along and erected seven nets on this the first of the month. The open weedy areas are looking very dry with large bare areas opening up after so much hot, dry weather. Elder fruit appear much smaller than usual, as we have been seeing with the blackberries. Birds could be seen moving in large, loose flocks, mainly around the perimeter, in taller trees and vegetation although some did ocassionally head off into isolated clumps of bramble, generally avoiding too long spent in the open, with little cover. We were hard pressed to find adult Whitethroats, capturing just one that we'd ringed in June, amongst the 85 captures.

Willow Warbler

Adult Blackcap male

The only additional observation was of a Hobby seen while setting up and again at around 11am.

Totals: 79 (6)

Dunnock - 2
Robin - 3
Songthrush - 1
Whitethroat - 10 (1)
Garden Warbler - 17 (1)
Blackcap - 29 (1)
Chiffchaff - 5 (2)
Willow Warbler - 6
Long-tailed Tit - 2
Blue Tit - 1 (1)
Great Tit - 2
Greenfinch - 1