Sunday 6 March 2011

Sunbury Cross - 6 Mar 2011

The group did a third visit to Sunbury Cross with a view to hopefully catching further Waxwings. We mustered at 6.30am and got the nets up quickly as the birds started coming in and managed just one catch at 7.15, with a total of 11 birds, later followed by a single Blackbird. This allowed everyone present to gain further experiance of birds in the hand and we had at least 4 adults to compare with the remaining 7 5s.

The team processing the catch

 5 female (above & below)

Comparison of adult and 5 - yellow on primaries 
and depth of yellow on the tail tip

adult (6) female (above & below)

difference between adult (left) and 5 (right) yellow
in the primaries

adult (6) female (above & below)